Do I look like a workaholic? I’m frequently accused of that. But I know differently. I just love my job! Knowing what a kick it is to love what you do, I want every applicant that we place to share those same feelings about the job and company in which we place them.
Some may think that goal is too lofty a one to achieve. The truth is at New England Personnel, we’ve reached that goal with thousands of the candidates we’ve placed. The reason we’ve been able to do it: WE LISTEN TO BOTH SIDES. More than an advertising slogan, it’s the motto by which we operate. WE LISTEN TO BOTH SIDES – the applicant and the employer.
Each employer we represent has personally been visited by us. We’ve spoken to the company’s employees; spent hours touring their operation, the department in which the opening exists, and intensely studying the company’s history and personnel needs. We feel this to be time well spent. It enables us to understand not only the skills and experience necessary for each position we represent, but just what type of individual, skills, personality and work ethic, will succeed long term with the employer.
On the other side of the placement match is the NEP applicant. My staff and myself understand that looking for a new position can be terrifying, exciting, nerve- wracking and time-consuming. That’s why we make the interviewing process painless. Many times it’s actually fun, but it’s always educational for each applicant we meet. By the time we finish each applicant’s evaluation, we not only understand what’s turned them off and on in their past positions, but just what type of position and company will make them excited about getting up each morning.
Many of our candidates tell me they couldn’t have gotten the job for which we represented them without our unique “prep.” Perhaps one of the reasons I earned my workaholic reputation is due to the fact that evenings and weekends you’ll find me personally preparing each candidate we represent for their interview. The end result is a relaxed candidate entering the employer’s interview with confidence. Educated about the interviewing process, he or she is fully ready to share their success story with the employer.
The only agency open on Sundays 10-1, you can contact us six days a week. We have found by going this “extra mile,” candidates are able to save their valuable interviewing time for the employer interview. In addition, the employers we represent are able to see the highest caliber candidate the market has to offer.
It’s personally gratifying for me to see employers return to us over and over again, relying on our expertise as an extension of their personnel department. We treasure these long-term business relationships and never take them for granted.
Equally thrilling is having a candidate that we placed five, ten, fifteen years ago return to us when they want to make a job change. Next to health and family, a person’s work is next in importance. It’s a great feeling to know you’ve made a positive difference. It’s what makes me want to get up every morning!