Here you’ll not only be affiliated with one of the most elite of organizations–This Urgent Care, renown throughout New England, has the endorsement and support of the two top Health care organizations in New England–Tufts & Yale Health Care.
If you’ve 6 months experience as a Radiologic Tech, X Ray Tech, and would love the superior environment, equipment, support and top notch providers plus an MA to work with, this offers flexibility and options.
You’d be able to either decide for one gorgeous environment, solely one site–or if you are craving diversity, you can work at a few different sites. You won’t have to worry about changing schedules, as once you decide on a schedule that works, you’ll have your schedule set!
State of the Art Urgent Care, renown throughout all of the Northeast as providing the most thorough of services and rated as 5 STAR– top notch equipment and certified providers and staff. In addition to top $ you’ll get a shift differential, and if you choose to work a holiday you receive 2 1/2 times your rate.
We have three open roles, two in the Boston area and a Regional Float tech, working in several of their locations. The roles have you handling a variety of X-Ray responsibilities including performing X-Rays and preparing the equipment in this addition to staff role.
Owned and managed by physicians, these urgent care centers have earned incredible accolades due to their dedication to patient services and quality. We not only have dedicated certified lab techs with a full lab, top notch providers, but also a strong orientation and ongoing training. Full benefits are also included with this role.
Don’t delay as this will not last long! Text us at 860 930 6983, call us at 860 571 7700 and email your resume as a word doc attachment!
We’ll introduce you to one of the fines opportunities you’ll come across, with superb benefits and opportunity to move to Site Director, Regional Director roles.